
Mzi Tyhokolo

Claim to fame: contestant in Survivor South Africa

What you should know about him: Mzi has a BSc Honours degree in Chemistry and extensive general knowledge

Star sign: Taurus

Residence: Honeydew Ridge, Johannesburg. Grew up in Bethulie.

Marital status: Single

Occupation: Principal Energy Adviser for big fuel company

Home language: Xhosa

Pets: Pit bull named Sasha.

Survivor stats-

Character profile: The uncomplicated, unfazed, problem-solving guy who describes himself as a bit of a clown.

Potential downfall: He’s gullible — a trait that could cost him dearly...

What he'd take to the island: Diving goggles

What he thought he'd miss most: Electricity, music, TV, hot shower, cooked meals, coffee and his family and dog.

Why the producers think Mzi could win 'Survivor': He is practical and likes working with his hands. He’s an excellent negotiator and loves joking around, which could make him very popular with his fellow contestants.

Quote: “It is a game, let’s play it fair and may the best player enjoy the spoils.”

Some favourites:
Colour: Blue, black and white
Scents: Anything pleasant, even better if it is food
Flowers: Roses (red or white)
Sports to play: Soccer and golf
Sport teams: Kaizer Chiefs and Manchester United
Outdoor activities: Fishing, hiking, camping and adventure stuff
Movies: 'Gladiator', 'Usual Suspects', 'Con Air'
Actors: Nicolas Cage, Al Pacino, Lawrence Fishburne
Actresses: Salma Hayek (she is hot), Terry Pheto (she is pretty), and Nia Long
Music: Soul and R & B
Books/Authors: John Grisham, Steve Martin and lately, Dan Brown
Foods: Chicken, Italian dishes and cooked puddings

http://entertainment.iafrica.com tells us how Mzi’s fish rewrote 'Survivor' history:

On the American and other international versions of 'Survivor' contestants usually struggle for weeks on end before they manage to catch a fish. Trust our own Mzi Tyhokolo to rewrite 'Survivor' history: in the very first episode of 'Survivor South Africa', he starts feeding his tribe from the ocean’s basket.

What I think:

Mzi's game-play impresses me more and more each episode- in fact, he is the only thing I enjoy about this season of Survivor. I loved his chirp about having to play Dr. Phil to sort out the feud between his team-mates, and if anyone could, it would probably be him. He’s such a nice guy, funny, smart, very well spoken and though he has been the sole provider for his team, he is never arrogant or misogynistic. Go Mzi! Keep strong boetie. We hope you win

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